• Branding
• Print Design
I had the opportunity to create the brand and design for a new book series from famed personality, Phil Robertson. This new series, "The C+ Gospel" is aimed at encouraging seekers and believers alike to learn about Jesus in a very simple way. The writing is highly approachable and easy to understand (hence the name C+ as Phil describes himself as a C+ kind of student).
It was truly an honour to work on a project like this and to work with their team.

By most people’s standards,Phil Robertson is a successful man. His dream to produce the perfect duck call led to the success of the Duck Commander company which was featured on the popular A&E reality TV series, Duck Dynasty.
In spite of his success, his number one goal has been to tell the story of Jesus to broken people. He often says, “Hey, if God can redeem a man like me, he can redeem anyone.”
Phil’s passion to tell about God’s love has led to several books, including Happy, Happy Happy, Theft of America’s Soul, and Unphiltered. He also co-authored the Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible with his oldest son, Al.
You can see Phil on BlazeTV’s In The Woods With Phil and on his podcast, Unashamed.

BRANDING & Book Design